
Крым окутали запасные отключения электрической энергии

электрическая энергия

На территории Крыма в 10.20 аварийно выключили снабжение. Обесточены все строения и главные линии связи, включая особые, сообщает «Крыминформ».

Стратегически важные субъекты, такие как интернациональный аэродром и вокзалы, также не приобретают электроэнергии. Подвижная зависимость действует в городах Крыма с перебоями с помощью независимого энергоснабжения стандартных станций.

В настоящее время в центре Симферополя снабжение отсутствует целиком, не работают даже светофоры. Имеются проблемы с мобильной связью, у абонентов нет возможности делать исходящие вызовы.

Украина без предостережения целиком выключила Крым от поставок электрической энергии, рассказал министр горючего и энергетики захваченной республики Сергей Егоров.

«В 11:10 (по столичному времени — Ред.) Украина без предостережения целиком закончила поставки электрической энергии в Крым», — заявил Егоров.

«Российская сторона после отключения объяснила нам, что Крым будто бы превзошел возможности по поставкам, которые были у Украины в условиях понижения (российской — Ред.) генерации», — заявил министр горючего и энергетики Крыма.

Он рассказал также, что в настоящее время в республике поспешно запускаются мобильные реактивные электростанции и дизельные генераторы, которые были отключены по истечении раннего минимума употребления электрической энергии.

«Картина в эти секунды сформировалась сложная, поскольку мы выключили оснащение, но вторичное включение занимает время», — заявил Егоров.

Он рассказал также, что министерство горючего и энергетики Крыма и Министерство энергетики РФ ведут переговоры с министерством энергетики Украины о восстановлении поставок электрической энергии в Крым.

«Если это далеко не удастся, будем использовать веерное отключение», — заявил министр.

ФОТО: Похороны боевика ЛНР «Бэтмена» напоминали бойкие 90-е


«Бэтмен» и еще пять его боевиков были   похоронены на кладбище села Косиора, что в месяце Северный в городке Луганске. По ообщениям  свидетелей, число людей и авто, присутствовавших на похоронах, можно было сопоставить с числом людей, что находились на похоронах главаря разбойной группы 90-х– Валерия Доброславского.

Совместно с «Бэтменом»  Александром Бедновым были похоронены бандиты с позывными «Пуля», и «Кот», «Витязь», «Золотой» и «Бритва». Напоминаем, что 1-го февраля главарь бандформированияЛНР –  Александр Беднов  былсожжен в бронеавтобусе  с еще 2-мя террористами. Еще трое его боевиков  были сожжены в «Тойоте» сопровождения.

Что такое работа моделью видеочата

Работа веб-моделью — прекрасный метод снабдить себя особым заработком, получить солидный регулярный доход. Интересные и отличные женщины все чаще и чаще предпочитают для себя сферу вебкам.

Ну, так как данный тип работы дает возможность приобрести денежную независимость, стать не менее раскованной и убежденной в разговоре с мужчинами, исследовать зарубежные языки и увеличивать горизонт наряду с работой модификацией по вебке.

А чтобы работа в видеочате стала позитивным начинанием, свежим ослепительным шагом реального пути, стоит более подробно выяснить о данной сравнительно новой области интернет-услуг, проанализировать преимущества и недостатки специальности веб-модели.

Webcam-бизнес начинается с тех пор, как возникла вероятность высококачественно передавать видео онлайн. Как и любое другое нововведение, кого-то такие трансляции привлекли и заинтересовали, кто-то отнесся к свежему веянью недоверчиво либо даже искренно агрессивно.

А с годами вебкам занял собственное место среди иных типов бизнеса по сети, и число веб-сайтов, студий, предлагающих женщинам, мужчинам и парочкам работу моделями видеочата, продолжает возрастать в арифметической прогрессии.

Работать вебкам модификацией сегодня рентабельно, удобно, не опасно. Женщинам могут предложить целиком оснащенное рабочее место, вероятность подстроить график «под себя» (проведение передач можно кооперировать с работой, обучением), постоянные выплаты зарплаты.

Помимо этого, чтобы аргументировать веб-моделей работать на итог веб-сайты регулярно проводят разные состязания, а студии серьезно подходят к компании отдыха девушек, награждают энергичность милыми призами и презентами.

Работа веб-моделью будет методом принятия специального заработка либо главным вариантом работы. Удачные модификации, которые бытуют в рангах веб-сайтов, имеют регулярных почитателей и могут заинтриговать мемберов в видеочате, могут зарабатывать до нескольких миллионов долларов США в неделю.

А чтобы выходить не надежный доход, выходить в эфир необходимо часто, стараться не впускать трансляции по графику, работать над усовершенствованием наружности, увеличивать горизонт. Здесь, как и в каком-либо ином бизнесе, не бывает «легких» денежных средств.

А работой и настойчивостью можно открыть дверь в мир хорошо оплачиваемых вебкам-моделей. И в случае если вы пришли в вебкам для забавы, просто опробовать, и не настроены работать с предельной самоотдачей, рассчитывать на быстрый результат и галактические чаевые не следует.

По словам многих новичков модификаций и тех, кто лишь рассчитывает регистрацию на вебкам-ресурсе, для работы в данной области необходимо владеть интересной наружностью, а чтобы начать заработать огромные денежные средства довольно разоблачиться перед видеокамерой.

Как досадно бы это не звучало, обнаженным телом никого не удивишь. Гости видеочатов сегодня намного более избирательны, направляют внимание не только лишь на внешний облик, но также и на созидательные способности, затейливость, оценивают знание девушек не только лишь форсить собственной красой, но также и поддерживать разговор на любую тематику.

Чтобы приступить к работе модификацией видеочата во всеоружии, необходимо побеспокоиться об образовании портфолио, высококачественном фото и видео контенте для расположения в собственном аккаунте на вебкам-ресурсах. Сделать уникальный вид.

Для простого начала в области вебкам стоит пересмотреть вариант работы в студии. Отозвавшись на предложение скаутов, не надо размышлять, где получить денежные средства на хорошее оборудование, оформление дизайна, подбор персонального вида и атрибутики к нему, квалифицированную фотосессию и мн. др.

Работа в области вебкам подходит для открытых к общению, отличных, общительных девушек и мужчин. Время от времени модификации предпочитают работу в сочетании, и необходимо отметить, что такие трансляции известны среди мемберов.

Вебкам модель должна стараться, по возможности больше разговаривать с клиентами онлайн. В связи с тем что основной поток гостей – мужчины, женщинам можно применять собственные женские советы и ухватки при общении на веб-сайтах.

А конкретнее, заигрывать, делать узкие или более открытые намеки либо просто быть собой самой, выражая эксклюзивность. Есть вероятность увести точного клиента в партикулярный чат и заинтриговать разговором, любопытным шоу, вполне может быть даже реализацией любовных выдумок.

Ну, можно делать все, что угодно для того, чтобы мембер оставался в «комнате» как можно продолжительнее, а через определенное время пожелал прийти. В целом чате также необходимо улаживать шоу, вести приколы, состязания.

Чтобы притягивать свежих мемберов и задерживать причастных клиентов, стоит раздумывать многообразные сценарии, так как сходство оперативно приедается даже самым нейтральным заказчикам вебкам-ресурсов.

Для работы модификацией в вебкаме необходимо регулярно заполнять профиль свежими фото, видео. Для этих задач лучше не применять текст с настоящих страничек в социальных сетях. Студии как правило пользуются услугами квалифицированных фотографов и визажистов.

Чтобы выходить на надежный доход сначала и в будущем необходимо уделять работе необходимое число часов в день, стараться не впускать выходы без крайне почтительной причины. Мемберы должны осознавать, когда могут заметить тебя в трансляции.

Ну, и из-за этого лучше выходить на зависимость в одно время. Модель вебчата должна практически источать хорошее расположение духа, заряжать им клиентов, которые планируют успокоиться и оторваться от ежедневных хлопот.

Стоит научиться приобретать от работы наслаждение, даже в трудных картинах уметь «сохранить лицо». Чтобы оставить сила воли в определенные факторы на самом деле понадобится необыкновенная выдержанность, а квалифицированным моделям таких случаев как правило получается избежать.

Законопроект о расширении прав СНБО принят, есть недовольные

Верховная рада

За это решение отдали голоса 253 народных парламентария из 372, оформленных в сессионном зале.

Перед голосованием с голоса был внесен ряд поправок в этот законодательный проект. Например, они затрагивают того, что права СНБО должны отвечать Конституции и законодательству Украины, рассказывает УНИАН.

после этого ряд парламентариев блокировали трибуну Высшей Рады. Среди тех, кто блокирует трибуну конгресса, очень много внефракционных, и часть фракции «Блок Петра Порошенко», например парламентарий Сергей Лещенко.

На это время ряд парламентариев закончили блокирование, однако Лещенко остается на трибуне. Один из лидеров фракции БПП В. Ковальчук в этот период старается в чем либо убедить Лещенко около трибуны.

Напоминаем, 23 января Верховная рада не поддерживала законодательный проект «О внесении перемен в Законопроект „О Совете государственной безопасности и защиты Украины“ об улучшении координации и наблюдения в области государственной безопасности и обороны», записанный главой Украины.

За аналогичный проект законопроекта отдали голоса 223 (при нужных 226) народных парламентариев из 368, оформленных в сессионном зале. Не избирали фракции «Самопомич», Конструктивной партии, «Оппозиционный блок».

ВР послала аналогичный проект законопроекта на вторичное 2-ое прочтение.

Sports Betting in Portugal

While you are looking to use the internet for your gambling, you may want to consider some of the lawful options. One thing that you need to be sure to are aware of may be the laws governing betting in your area. For instance, you will find taxes which have been placed on betting, and also restrictions that can ensure it is difficult with regard to international bookmakers to enter industry.

Online internet casinos are legitimate

If you’re planning on playing s in The silver coast, you will need to seek advice from the government to learn if it is legitimate. Until just lately, the state’s gambling market was not governed, and it has not been always easy to find a safe plus reputable casinos.

In 2015, the Costa da prata government introduced new legal guidelines governing the web based gaming business. These regulations are meant to prevent illegal wagering and to make industry more attractive to legitimate casinos.

To by law operate in the Portuguese wagering market, on-line operators must get a certificate. This is completed through the Servico de Regulacao e Inspeccao de Games do Turismo de The silver coast.

There are 10 licensed entities that run within Portugal. Yet , there are several unlicensed sites which are still offered to Portuguese participants.

Mobile playing apps are popular

Portable betting applications are a great way for making bets away from home. There are many different kinds of betting on mobile, which includes live bets, e-Wallets and even mobile games. All of these offer you a secure together with convenient surroundings to choice on your beloved sports.

Within Portugal, soccer is considered the leading sport. Nevertheless , there are several various other popular sports activities in the country. These include basketball, ice-cubes hockey, handball, rink handbags and futsal.

Portuguese gamblers also enjoy viewing a wide range of sports activities. They are followers of Western european teams such as German Bundesliga and British Premier Group, but they are in addition big followers of local clubs like FC Porto and Sporting Clube sobre Portugal.

The betting sector is regulated in the country. The Comissao para Jogos (Gambling Commission) problems licenses to be able to gambling services. Before you can place bets on the net, you have to signup and wide open an account while using bookie. You should also verify your details together with the bookie’s customer care.

Fractional chances are popular inside Ireland plus the UK

Fractional odds are a form of betting odds format utilized primarily in the uk and Ireland in europe. They are also well-known in Canada, Sydney and European countries. It is important to learn how to read these kinds of odds as they can sometimes be confusing. The best way to get a grasp on these odds is to start with a web handicapping loan calculator.

Fractional odds are used to exhibit the amount of money you will definitely win in terms of the amount you are willing to risk. A 5/1 odds illustration would show that you could gain $5 for each and every dollar an individual wager. This may not be a terribly large number and may appear to be a small revenue to some, but also for experienced punters it is an interesting option.

Taxes about betting

The Portuguese Gambling Laws are governed because of the country’s Civil Code. Nevertheless , some constraints have been applied to reduce illegal exercises.

Portugal’s Low Gaming Earnings is projected at over one billion euros. It is casas de aposta legais em portugal industry has expanded at a speedy pace. Online poker, sportsbooks, and even casinos are typical legal in the united states.

However , there are many constraints in place. These include the law of which limits betting in school video games and prevents match solving. Additionally , advertising of betting is not permitted to present it as a way to generate easy money or financial security.

Despite the law, there are some unregulated employees that allow under-18s to join up and choice. There are also numerous illegal bookies, which use general public personalities to get credibility.

Two robbers plan to rob a house and they find both the daughter and the wife super attractive, and tensions arise from both men over the women.

Two robbers plan to rob a house and they find both the daughter and the wife super attractive, and tensions arise from both men over the women.

Warning: This story has non-consent/rape themes. If you don’t enjoy those kinds of topics, don’t read the story. All characters are 18 years or older.

«I think I found one,» Rick muttered, scrolling through his computer.

Yeah? You better not be another one of your mistakes, Dwayne mused as he took a drag on his joint.

«Hey, relax, I thought we were over that.»

«Not until you make it up, buddy.» Dwayne got up from his chair and walked over to Rick, his big body shaking the ground. Rick met Dwayne’s imposing gaze and brought up the screen.

“Look, this rich asshole Mark is going on a business trip, he desi porn video posted it on Facebook. Look at his brother’s house! Imagine all the goods. He says that he is leaving tomorrow night. Rick showed Dwayne a photo of the house, almost big enough to be a mansion. Rick shook his head at the man’s stupidity.

“Hehe, I guess you’re trying to redeem yourself. If this goes well, I’ll drop the other stuff, okay? Keep scrolling through his profile though, I want to see more.” Rick scrolled quickly and came to a photo of Mark’s family. He had a daughter and a wife, and they were both beautiful. The daughter looked about 18 years old and she had a slender figure with good tits. Her brown hair surrounded her beautiful face. Standing next to her was an absolute milf. She smiled widely, showing her perfect teeth. She was a couple of inches taller than the daughter and had a full rack and ass to match. Dwayne started laughing out loud and Rick stared at him.

«Hahaha, you found a good one Rick!» Dwayne said as he walked away and took one last drag before putting out his joint. «I’ll see you tomorrow, buddy,» giving Rick one last smile before leaving the room. Rick nodded as he turned to look at his computer. His eyes fixed on the daughter, and before long he was fully erect.

«I’m going to have you tomorrow, my beautiful,» he murmured excitedly.

The next day, Dwayne arrived at Rick’s house as the sun was beginning to go down. Rick was already waiting outside and walked over to jump.

“Okay, here’s the plan. I’m going to go in first while you walk around the neighborhood. If there’s someone home, I’ll subdue them first and then I’ll open the garage for you,” Rick explained. It was the usual plan, Rick would sneak in first to make sure no one was home before Dwayne brought the car.

«Sounds good, homes,» Dwayne said with a crooked smile. He knew that Rick wanted to have fun with the girls, and so did he. However, if they did, he would be the one to call the shots.

They got to the house when it was pitch black outside, and Rick jumped out of the car and quickly ran to the side of the house as Dwayne drove off. The neighborhood was beautiful. Thick and tall trees that act as natural barriers between the houses, not to mention the huge properties. Rick walked up to the house and saw some lights on and knew there might be people there. When he got pro desi porn video behind the house toward the backyard, he pulled out his crowbar and moved carefully toward a window. Slipping into his ski mask, he deftly jammed his crowbar into the window and used his strength to break the lock and open the window. He jumped easily, practiced the many times he had done this, and landed in a room that looked like his father’s office.

Putting down the crowbar and backpack, he pulled out his gun and a flashlight. He needed to clear the house of people before he could open the garage for Dwayne to enter. He needed to do it fast, too, since Dwayne driving through the neighborhood was a risk. Leaving the office, Rick went from room to room on the first floor, seeing no one. He marveled at the size of the house. The kitchen, living room, and dining room were large enough to be his own study. Damn snobs, he thought to himself.

If there were still people in the house, they’d be upstairs or in the basement, he thought. Deciding to check the second floor first, he started up the stairs when he heard voices. He looked like he was coming from a television, which wasn’t a sure sign that someone was in the house. Still cautious, however, he tiptoed up the stairs and finally reached the second floor where he saw a locked bedroom emanating light. The sound of the television was also coming from the door, so Rick carefully stepped forward and opened it, entering the room in silence. He immediately recognized the room as the master bedroom with a huge TV on the opposite side of the room blaring. In front of the TV was a bed, and to his surprise, the wife was in it. He didn’t hear desi porn xxx anything over the noise from the TV and his back was to the door. He lay on the bed in emerald lingerie and a purple silk robe, contently watching television. Rick felt his penis harden as he continued to mgoing. Yeah, this bitch is definitely a trophy wife for that rich son of a bitch, she thought. The smooth, tanned skin exposed by the lingerie with a pair of beautiful breasts distracted Rick for a couple of seconds before he turned back in. He aroused his senses, shook his head in disappointment, and went ahead with the plan.

With experience in previous burglaries and situations like this, he knew he had to stop the wife from making a sound once she saw him, as that could alert someone else in the house. Walking as quietly as possible, he approached the bed, ready to pounce at any moment. When he was two steps away, he saw the wife, who must have felt something, turn in her direction. She immediately charged onto the bed and covered her mouth before she could scream. Her wife instantly tried to defend herself against her, but Rick skillfully wrestled into a position where he was behind her with one hand to her mouth and one arm around her throat in a chokehold.

«Stop fighting, I’m not going to hurt you,» he said in her ear. “If you keep fighting, I’m going to kill you. I’m just here to rob the house. Instantly, he felt less resistance, and smiled to himself that his trick worked. “Listen bitch, listen xnxx jizz real close. I’m going to make this simple for you. I’m going to release you If you make any noise, I will kill you and everyone else in this house. If you follow my instructions, everyone will come out unscathed. Sound good?” He took the nod and slowly pulled her hand away. She went on and made no sound. Reaching into her pocket she grabbed some rope.

“Put your hands behind your back,” Rick ordered. He quickly pulled them behind her as Rick released her choke to bind her hands. Once he did, he breathed a sigh of relief, the hard part was done. Getting a little more comfortable, he lay on the bed with her, feeling her sexually. «What’s your name sexy?» His eyes instantly filled with fear at her body language and movement.

«Pa… Pa… Patricia,» he stammered, her beautiful face contorted with panic.

«Patricia, what a sexy name.» Rick looked at her, marveling at her body. “Now, Patricia, is there anyone else in the house? Do not lie to me. If I find out that you are lying, there will be very serious consequences,” Rick said as he ran his hand over her beautiful face. He watched Patricia think for a moment before opening her mouth.

“Yeah, my daughter Alison is here, I think she’s in her room,” he murmured.

«Fine…fine,» Rick said with a nasty grin that made Patricia freeze in fear. “Listen, I’m going to gag you and tie your legs up and then I’m going to Alison’s room to do the same. Remember, if she does anything to escape or makes noise, you will both die tonight.» Patricia wailed in fear. Rick got out of bed and rummaged in the closet for a gag.

“Please don’t hurt Alison. She is my only daughter,” Patricia pleaded.

“I said she wouldn’t do it, you silly bitch. do you hear? I’m here to rob you, and that’s it. Rick knew that wasn’t true, and the fact that he was lying made him even more excited. After some poking around, he found a beautiful piece xnxx porn video of underwear and walked back to the bed. «Open your mouth,» he barked as Patricia reluctantly opened her hot mouth. Rick hesitated a bit, looking at the beautiful wife before stuffing her underwear into her mouth. Patricia noticed an obvious bulge in Rick’s pants, but by then it was too late and Rick pushed her face down to the ground to bandage her legs.

Once he was done with that, he checked her phone. Eight minutes had already passed since he left the car. Damn, this is taking too long, he thought. Leaving the master bedroom, he stepped back into the hallway, coming face to face with her daughter. He must have heard a ruckus and went outside to see what was going on. She was around five foot two, with a petite build. Rick, after a moment’s hesitation that Alison also shared, ran over to her. She turned to run from her, but Rick was already ahead of her and knocked her to the ground.

Instantly, choking her with his hand as he did with her wife, he said: “Listen to me girl, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told your mom. Don’t yell or try to run away, and I’ll leave you unharmed after robbing the place.» Alison still tried to defend herself against her, so Rick started to choke her. After a couple of seconds she gave up the fight and Rick loosened his grip on her. «Do that again and you and your mom are dead, got it?» She nodded. “Okay, remember what I said. I’m going to tie you up now. Come with me to your room now. Rick picked her up and followed her into her bedroom where he bound her hands and feet and gagged her with a piece of underwear from her own drawer, just as he did her wife. As she lay tied up, Rick admired the bottom of her beautiful body. Her butt was so round and big for the size of her body. Rick played cHe thought of fucking her right then, but he xnxx sex realized there would be time for that later, and he knew Dwayne would be furious. Rick pulled the phone from him to text Dwayne and saw that another five minutes had passed. Damn, I hope he’s not too upset, Rick thought. He then hurried down the stairs to the garage, waiting for Dwayne to arrive. A minute later, Rick saw Dwayne’s car and unlocked the garage as he rushed in with Rick instantly closing it to minimize the time anyone could look inside.

«What the hell took so long?» Dwayne questioned as he jumped out of the car, looking suspiciously at Rick.

“Sorry, both the wife and the daughter are here, I had to subdue them,” Rick explained. As he said this, he saw Dwayne’s eyes light up with lust. They both wanted the girls, and they both knew the other person wanted them too.

«Whoa? Is he okay? Any problem with them?» Dwayne asked.

«No, everything was fine, it just took a little longer than usual.»

«Okay, you know the deal, let’s take this son of a bitch down,» Dwayne said excitedly as he put on his ski mask.

«What about the girls?» Rick asked.

«What about them? We’re here to get money homie. I don’t want any shit trouble. And neither should you,» Dwayne lied. Rick was instantly suspicious and looked at Dwayne. Rick, however, didn’t want to start a fight and he let it in. By the way, where are the girls?” Dwayne asked.

«The daughter is in her room and the wife is in the teachers’ room.»

“Okay, here’s the plan. I’ll start on the second floor and you’ll start in the basement. We’ll meet on the first floor,» Dwayne explained. Rick was very suspicious now, but like before, he didn’t want to start a fight. Dwayne was so much bigger than him, and the only way Rick was going to win was to outwit him. Rick decided to let it slide for now and nodded in confirmation.

They both left the garage and went to their respective apartments. Rick went to the basement and, as usual, took everything of value. They took speakers, golf clubs, electronics, anything that wasn’t nailed to the ground and had value. After loading up a bag, he returned to the garage to empty it and noticed that Dwayne hadn’t finished his first race. A bit concerned, he shrugged at her explanation that the upstairs generally contained smaller valuables and a bag was more difficult to fill. After emptying the valuables in the trunk, Rick returned to the basement for another trip.

Meanwhile, Dwayne had gone upstairs to check on the girls. He knew he hadn’t tricked Rick with his intentions but, frankly, he didn’t care. He knew that Rick would never openly confront him. He dropped the empty bag in the hallway, peeked into the two bedrooms, and saw the girls tied up on the floor. Damn, these two girls are hot in their own way, he thought. He decided to check on the daughter xnxx sluts first, went into his room and closed the door behind him. Carrying her to the bed, he looked up at her face. Jesus, this girl is really pretty, he thought to himself. His beautiful brown eyes looked up at him through his mask. Wanting to see more of her, Dwayne used the strength of her to rip off her shirt, revealing a beautiful rack held up in a bright blue bra. Alison groaned in fear. Overcome with lust, Dwayne also removed her bra, revealing the most beautiful tits he had ever seen. They weren’t the biggest, but they were perfectly shaped and super perky. He began to stroke and squeeze them, but Alison began to squirm uncontrollably. Dwayne, out of patience, grabbed the gun from her and put it to her head.

“Listen bitch, you do that again and I’m going to blow your head off. Same with your mom. Let me do what I want with you and you’ll get out of this night alive,» Dwayne said. Alison could tell that this man was very different from the other. More sadistic, crueler. As Dwayne continued with her tits, sucking and pinching them with Alison moaning in pain, her cock grew erect. Alison stared in terror at the huge bulge in Dwayne’s pants. Dwayne noticed Alison staring at him and chuckled, “Like what you see? Haha, I bet this is the biggest one you’ll ever see. A girl like you can have boyfriends with big dicks, but they have nothing against me.

Dwayne gave her tits one last pinch and thump, leaving a red streak across his chest, before getting up and stripping. He first removed his shirt, revealing a mangled body beneath him. Alison marveled. She had dated jocks and the best jocks in her school, but she had never seen a body with so much muscle. All six of her abs were bulging and her chest was huge. Dwayne continued to remove his hindi xnxx clothes, revealing his huge black cock. Alison couldn’t help but look. She realized thathe wasn’t lying about his size, even his biggest boyfriend was still noticeably smaller. His cock was the same width as his forearm, and if she had to guess its length, it would be at least nine inches. Dwayne noted Alison in amazement and smiled sadistically.

“I told you he wasn’t lying, bitch. I’m going to get that gag out now, remember the rules. I don’t even need a gun to kill you. I could suffocate you in a couple of seconds. Anyway, when I take the gag off you’re going to suck my dick. Yeah, you’re going to suck it real good,” Dwayne ordered. Alison started to shake her head repeatedly, but Dwayne ignored her and removed the gag.

«Please do not do this. I’ll give you everything you wantNew Testament. Just take our stuff. Please,” Alison pleaded.

Dwayne smiled and said, «Okay, have it your way,» and reached over and put both hands to her throat and began to squeeze. Alison instantly felt her airway being crushed and tried to scream, but to no avail. After a couple of seconds, Dwayne released him and Alison took a deep breath. «See how this works, whore?» Dwayne questioned. Allison nodded. Dwayne lay down on the bed with Alison and moved her between her legs with his face next to her giant cock. Dwayne first wanted to see how much she would do on her own. «Okay bitch, start sucking,» Dwayne said as he took the gun from her and rubbed it against her head to encourage her further. Alison, realizing that she had no choice, placed her lips on her cock and began to suck on the tip of it. Her pretty little mouth barely fit on Dwayne’s monster cock. Tears began to flow down her face.

“Go deeper, bitch,” Dwayne ordered, putting her gun to her head to encourage her. Alison began to descend further, her entire mouth filling with Dwayne’s cock. «Oh shit, there you have it,» Dwayne groaned. «Watch me do it, bitch,» he slapped her across the face. Alison winced in pain and raised her eyes to meet Dwayne’s. He smirked at her. Her sight was immaculate. A teen pretty enough to be a model was sucking her dick as she watched him with her beautiful tits dangling. She reached under her hand and gave it a good squeeze. The sound of sucking soon filled the room, with the occasional slap from Alison.

After a few minutes, Dwayne pulled Alison off of her cock. “That was good bitch, that was good. Although I want more, ”he said. He smiled at her. Her beautiful face was breathless. “You didn’t think that was it, did you? No no, maybe for hot hindi porn your boys bitch, but now you got a real dick and a real man. Your mother would be proud. I’m going to fuck your face now. Open your mouth and breathe through your nose, and if you do a good job, I’ll even give you a couple of breaks. But give me a kiss first. He grabbed her neck and pulled her to him. She pushed her head against his and gave him a sloppy kiss as he looked into her eyes, enjoying the obvious revulsion.

“Oh your lips are so pretty baby. Perfect for kissing and sucking cock,” Dwayne commented as he tugged at her hair pulling her face back. Dwayne then began to pick his throat to spit. PTOO, Dwayne’s disgusting spit covered Alison’s pretty face. She seemed so upset. «Haha, there you go bitch,» Dwayne laughed as he rubbed it all over her face. «Okay, time for the real fun!» Dwayne exclaimed as he pushed Alison toward her cock, shoving it deep down her throat. Dwayne moaned in pleasure as he repeatedly pushed Alison’s face against her cock with one hand on her beautiful brown hair and the other on her head. The sound of retching and moaning filled the room.

While Dwayne relentlessly fucked Alison’s pretty mouth with her huge cock, Rick kept robbing the basement. Finishing his second run, Rick went up the stairs to the garage to unload the load. As soon as he saw that Dwayne hadn’t finished one, he knew something was wrong. Dropping his bag, he ran up the stairs. When he got to the top stairs, he was aware of a retching and groaning noise and noticed Dwayne’s empty bag on the floor. He instantly had a feeling of dread in his stomach. He quickly ran to the source of the sound, Alison’s room, and opened the door.

There, lying on Alison’s bed, was Dwayne, completely naked with Alison in his crotch. His muscles bulged as he deftly held Alison’s hair and head as he repeatedly pushed up and down her penis as Alison constantly choked and struggled for breath. Rick stared at Alison being used as a human toy for a few seconds before Dwayne noticed her input. Pulling on Alison’s hair, Dwayne pulled it off her cock and positioned it so that she lay on top of him. He put his grandis hands in her pants and began to caress her clit. To her surprise, Alison was super wet.

«You like what you see?» Dwayne asked Rick, obviously not caring that Rick found out. Rick struggled to say something, his face seething with anger.

“I thought we weren’t doing anything with the girls. That’s what you said buddy,” Rick finally said.

“Yeah, well this slut was so hot I couldn’t resist. Plus she wanted me too, look how wet her pussy is.» Dwayne responded by laughing as he began to roughly grope Alison’s tits. “Hey buddy, no big deal. You can take the wife from her, and maybe sex desi porn after I’m done with this bitch…» Dwayne said as he slapped Alison hard across the face and made her scream, «…you can have your turn with her. . I mean I can’t guarantee that she’ll be in a position to give you something, but at least her body will still be warm! Dwayne said as he began to laugh uncontrollably. Alison looked terrified and looked up at Rick in some sort of plea for help.

Dwayne noticed this and said, “I’m just kidding, bitch. I’m not going to kill you I’m going to hurt you, but I’m not going to kill you And don’t think that she will help you. He can’t do shit, can you, Rick? Dwayne and Rick exchanged glances with Rick without saying anything, and Dwayne smiled domineeringly. Having dealt with Rick, Dwayne turned his attention back to Alison, intending to have more fun with her.

«Maybe I can Dwayne,» Rick uttered with the best sense of confidence of him. Dwayne’s eyes flicked to Rick and stared at him for a couple of seconds almost in disbelief before throwing Alison off the bed. He landed on the ground with a thud and began walking Rick slowly. Each step made a crunch as Dwayne’s huge body made its way to the door where Rick stood. Each step closer shook Rick’s confidence until Dwayne finally stood in front of him, looking at him with the most sadistic of eyes. While Rick wasn’t your average guy in terms of size, Dwayne dwarfed him.

Dwayne put a hand on Rick’s shoulder and said, «Is this really what you want to do?» Rick thought for a moment. In a fight there was no chance he would win, but maybe if he grabbed his gun… No, that would be silly, he thought, the only way he would beat Dwayne would be by using his wits, and now was not the time.

Rick swallowed, «No Dwayne, you can have her.» Dwayne smiled and patted her shoulder.

«That’s what I thought. Get out of my room now. Dwayne asked. Rick nodded and left the room as Dwayne closed the door. Dwayne then turned around to see the helpless Alison still tied up on the bed. He laughed. He muttered, «This is where the real fun begins, my kitty,» as he approached the bed, stroking his massive cock with one hand. «But first, we’re going to have to loosen our bonds. I can’t fuck you with your legs tied up.» Right?» Dwayne laughed as he pulled out a knife and quickly cut through Alison’s ropes at her hands and feet. Alison stretched out her limbs, feeling the freedom of movement again.

«Better?» Dwayne asked. Alison nodded silently. Dwayne shook his head and slapped her. “Bitch, when I ask you a question, you answer with your words, got it? Call me Dwayne.

«Yes, Dwayne,» Alison replied in a cute little voice. Dwayne smiled.

«Okay. I’m going to fuck you now. You’re going to take every inch of my cock inside that tight pussy, got it?» Dwayne said as he stroked his cock until he was fully erected.

«Yes Dwayne.»

«Get on your knees bitch, I’m going to fuck you from behind,» Dwayne ordered. Alison quickly followed her command and got into a doggy style position, her perfect teen rear in the air. «Beautiful,» Dwayne murmured as he marveled at Alison’s butt, smacking both of her cheeks. Dwayne moved her cock toward her entrance, rubbing the tip against her clit. Alison groaned. «Do you like bitch?» Dwayne asked.

«Yes, Dwayne,» Alison replied obediently. Dwayne spat into her hand and rubbed it on the head of her cock before shoving the tip of it into her tight pussy. Alison gasped. It’s so big, she thought. Dwayne slowly pushed further into her snatch as Alison moaned in pain.

«Fuck, you’re a tight bitch,» Dwayne said as he continued to dig deeper. «I’m going to fill you up.»

7 inches of Dwayne’s thick cock had entered before Alison yelled, «Please no more!» Her pussy was already so stretched out and Dwayne’s cock wasn’t even all the way in.

“Nah bitch, you got it in you. I believe it,” Dwayne teased as he pushed the last two inches of her, moaning in pleasure as Alison’s teen pussy grabbed her cock. Alison fell forward and cried out in pain as Dwayne buried his spiky cock deep inside hers into her snatch. «Damn, are youa slut for taking all my dick,» Dwayne moaned as he pulled out, leaving Alison’s pussy shaking. «Now it’s time for the real fun,» Dwayne exclaimed enthusiastically as he began hammering Alison’s pussy.

Alison moaned loudly as Dwayne caught her, often slamming her shaft all the way into her. Her tight pussy was soon coating Dwayne’s entire shaft with juice, allowing him to fuck her even faster. The sound of Alison’s butt slamming against Dwayne’s hips filled the entire house as Dwayne moaned out loud. Eventually, Alison’s moans turned to moans as her pussy grew accustomed to Dwayne’s cock, and waves of pleasure radiated through her body.

«Are you enjoying it bitch?» Dwayne asked, squeezing both of Alison’s round, perfect cheeks and using them as a grip to continue fucking her.

«Yes, Dwayne,» Alison replied automatically. It was only a second later that she realized that she was partially telling the truth. Even though this man forced his way into her pussy, she still felt good.

«Haha, there you go bitch, I knew you loved big dicks,» Dwayne said as he continued to fuck her perfect pussy.

While Dwayne was having the time of his life, Rick entered the masters, furious but also powerless. He had stood outside Alison’s room while Dwayne fucked her, listening to her screams of pain. He contemplated kicking the door down and just shooting Dwayne, but he knew that would alert the entire neighborhood. It just wasn’t worth it, he thought. Sure, he could fuck Alison for a couple of minutes before the police show up, but it doesn’t matter. As sexy and perfect as she was, a life in prison wasn’t worth it. He decided to take a small loss now and be patient for the next opportunity. Besides, it’s not a total loss, he thought to himself as he opened the master’s door to find Patricia’s sexy body tied up on the floor. Thinking of all the things he was going to do to her, he closed the bedroom door, his cock fully hardened.

Coming soon part 2!

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К слову, напоминаем, для того, чтобы лучше приготовиться к функции и почувствовать собственный персонаж Джейми даже посетил истинную БДСМ-комнату. Однако, как сознался Дорнан, данный опыт ему не приглянулся.

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